In this chapter Nadia writes about being part of a community.

"Church, for all its faults, was the only place outside my own home were people didn't gawk at me or make fun of me." (Page 23)

"Which is why it sucked that there were other reasons I'd eventually not fit in." (Page 23)

"Belonging to the Church of Christ -- and therefore, being a Christian -- mostly meant being really good at not doing things. ... The better you were at not doing these things, the better a Christian you were." (Page 23)

"..the Church of Christ I was raised in was a community. As churchgoers, our lives were shared." (Page 26)

"Unlike my feelings toward the Christian fundamentalism from which I would soon part ways, I never stopped valuing the spiritual weirdness of hospitality and community. ... I was looking for a community in which all of me would actually fit in." (Page 26)

Nadia writes about sneaking off to a nearby Quaker meeting, and notes, "Still, although the Quakers were a community, I wasn't really part of it. I was more of a spectator." (Page 28)

"This experience (living at Albion Babylon) taught me that a community based on the idea that everyone hates rules is, in the end, just as disappointing and oppressive as a community based on the ability to follow rules." (Page 29)

Last built: Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 1:26 PM

By Frank McPherson, Saturday, January 11, 2014 at 3:09 PM. Don't slam the door on the way out.