Chapter 11: Salvation Through Revelation

"The book of Revelation provides a closing summary of the Bible's salvation story in the form of an extended vision that interprets Jesus's message of salvation." (AK location 5959)

"Revelation challenges the empire's notions of salvation, power, and victory and presents the Bible's notions as a viable alternative."

"John compares and contrasts these two salvation stories [the empire's and the Bible's] to inspire peaceable living."

"Lamb theology is the whole message of Revelation. Evil is defeated not by overwhelming force or violence but by the Lamb's suffering love on the cross. The victim becomes the victor." (AK location 5982)

"Fundamental to Revelation's whole understanding of the way in which Christ establishes God's kingdom on earth is the conviction that in his death and resurrection Christ has already won his decisive victory over evil." (AK location 5994)

"Jesus also provides "freedom for." (AK location 6020) This is also a Lutheran conviction.

"When John labels his book a "revelation of Jesus Christ," he has in mind the Jesus who healed. Revelation, like the Gospels and epistles (and the law and prophets), is about embodiment of God's healing strategy. What does John want to inspire his readers to do? 'Follow the Lamb where he goes.' (AK location 6352)

"Jesus's crucifixion gains its significance as a 'revelation' that shows all with eyes to see that God's love stand above the Beast's domination practies. (AK location 6374)

Last built: Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 1:27 PM

By Frank McPherson, Monday, January 6, 2014 at 7:50 PM. We don't need no stinkin rock stars.